Forbes High School

Education for a Better Quality of Life

Telephone02 6852 2666

Yarning Circle

Welcome to

Dharrangdharrang - Meaning Message sticks.

By creating a yarning circle, Forbes High School aims to reconnect our Aboriginal students to our school, & support our students to complete year twelve.

The words on these message sticks are to support our students and give them a safe and supportive place to sit. When sitting around the message sticks students can use a QR code to delve into their meaning. This will take our students to a Forbes High School website where they can see who the Artist is, the meaning of the artwork, who gave Forbes High School the powerful words, and whose voice is giving the message. All four words are powerful, that aim to protect our Youth & give them strength to become leaders.

At the start of every new school year, Forbes High School will take every Year 7 student & do a small ceremony. The aim of the ceremony is to acknowledge that our Year 7 students start their high school journey as kids but will leave as adults with Forbes High School giving our students the tools they will need to face the world. At the end of our Aboriginal students' journey each Year twelve student will receive a small plaque that will go on the back of the message sticks as a symbol of their incredible achievement. This will connect our Aboriginal students to Forbes High School and beyond. 

We would like to Acknowledge and give thanks to Letetia Harris, Barry Merritt, Lakkari Pitt and Merindah Wilson for giving Forbes High School the knowledge, powerful words and artwork to complement our Message sticks and complete our Yarning Circle. Mandaang Guwu- Thank you!

My Name is Barry Merritt- My Aboriginal name is Barrii.

I am a proud Wiradjuri man from the Galari Clan. My Bloodlines go back into Ngunnawal Country

Lakkari Pitt is a proud Gamilaroi Ularoi yinarr from Walgett, New South Wales. Lakkari's art is a take on the knowledge that her Elders and significant people in her life have passed down throughout generations. Lakkari's art explores the movement, essence and stories of Country.

Letetia Harris is a proud Wiradjuri woman, she belongs to the Ingram and Kemp families. She is nothing without her amazing Elders and language knowledge holders that have taught her for over 20 years. Her teachers are Uncle Stan Grant Senior, Uncle Christopher Kirkbright, Aunty Cheryl Riley and Uncle Burrilinga Gumbu[George Fisher]. "I could not stand without the lessons I have been taught by them", said Letetia.

Merindah Wilson is a proud Gamilaroi Ularoi woman who has lived in Forbes for the past 20 years. Merindah Wilson is employed as the Aboriginal Education Officer for the Wilcannia-Forbes Diocese. Merindah has over 20 years of experience in education. Merindah's passion is to see every Aboriginal student achieve and support schools to improve on their practice.

We acknowledge Merindah’s input and support in this special yarning circle.