5pm Wednesday 20th November - Forbes High School
Forbes High School P&C Welcome Letter
Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, neighbours, past students and citizens of Forbes are all welcome to attend.
The P&C is made up of a small, but dedicated core group of parents and carers, who meet to discuss and plan how best the P&C can aid the school's current and future needs. The meetings provide a forum which enables parents to voice their opinions, discuss options and initiate change and through which the school can obtain input into the policies and procedures used to effectively run the school.
How do I become a member?
Membership is open to all families with students attending Forbes High School. Membership fees are $5.00 per family per year. The membership year is between January and December, with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) being held in March. Please complete the following membership form, and return completed form to school or via email to forbeshighschool@pandcaffiliate.org.au
Substantial financial support is just one way in which the P&C assists the school. This is achieved, in part, through fundraising activities, including the canteen. Forbes High School P & C administers the fund. This is a trust fund which was set up as a result of support provided by a number of school and community organisations in the local area. These funds contribute towards the purchase of educational resources and equipment, and to improvements within the school's grounds.
How have P & C funds helped in the past?
We have provided funds for a variety of resources for the school. These include sports equipment, computers and technology, literacy and numeracy resources, playground seating, music programs, signage, student diaries and support for students attending representative activities.
How does becoming a member help my child?
As well as being personally rewarding, volunteering your time can show your child the value of community work and invoke a sense of community spirit. Supporting your school by taking part in discussion and keeping informed with activities within the school will help in the directions of the school community. And of course your child directly benefits from the resources and programs the P&C funds provide and support within the school. Despite what they may say to their peers, most students are happy to see their parents participating in school activities.